Update: Statement regarding the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Ricoh Company Policy
We have already implemented measures, and continue to update these, based on Ricoh’s business continuity approach to risks of this nature, including:
- Protecting the wellbeing of our employees and their families as a primary focus.
- Considering the potential for the impact on society by making responsible decisions to support the prevention and / or containment of the situation.
- Making every effort to continuously provide the services and products required by our customers.
- Making every effort to maintain business in the affected areas.
- Preparing for a "very serious pandemic" where daily operations cannot continue to be carried out (Be prepared to execute BCP)
Ricoh determines the alert level of a situation on a region-by-region basis. This is done by adhering to Ricoh’s criteria for alert levels, based on announcements made by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, and on the status of any infection within the Ricoh ecosystem. In addition, a Ricoh Group Emergency Management Team was established on January 28, 2020. All Group companies are instructed to respond based on the action plan that has been established for the wellbeing of group employees and their families, the continuous procurement of products and services, and business continuity.
The Ricoh Group Emergency Management Team is actively monitoring the evolving situation and making decisions accordingly based on the policies outlined above.
Ricoh Group Employees
The welfare of our employees is of paramount importance and we are taking every necessary precaution to reduce the spread of the virus. For all Ricoh employees, each of our regions are following the guidance of their appropriate local authorities to ensure we are acting responsibly and putting safety first.
As we continue to monitor the situation, if anything should change, we will provide an updated statement.