PadiBeras Nasional Berhad
About Bernas
As the Nation's partner in the paddy and rice industry, BERNAS and its group of companies are involved in the procurement and processing of paddy; as well as the importation, warehousing, distribution and marketing of rice in Malaysia. To increase our presence along the entire industry supply chain, the BERNAS Group of companies is now involved in seed and farming activities, international rice joint venture, as well as rice complementary businesses. With a staff strength of 1,185 employees, BERNAS continues to fulfill its obligations under a Privatization Agreement signed with the Government in 1996. These obligations include maintenance of the nation's rice stockpile, acting as the buyer of last resort for paddy farmers, managing the Bumiputera Rice Millers Scheme and the distribution of Paddy Price Subsidies to farmers on behalf of the Government.
BERNAS employees is coupled with high rental and the inability to control print output which has greatly affected the company in terms of management and higher cost. They faced challenges in tracking and analyzing print output due to the lack in facilities and infrastructure.
A simplified and optimized print and document management system to support the growing needs of its staff.
Setting up of varied MFPs within BERNAS offices strategically, followed by the need to put into place a check-and-balance mechanism, whereby the company could control its printing costs and overheads by tacking every usage made by all employees
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